학회활동, 자문위원, 초청강연 등 |
기간(시작, 종료) |
Member of KISS SIGDB Steering
Committee |
1989/01 |
1999/12 |
Member of KITE SIG-Computer
Steering Committee |
1989/01 |
1991/12 |
Session chairperson, KISS '89
Fall Conference |
1989/08 |
1989/12 |
Invited Talk: “Optimal Data Distribution
Strategies for Parallel Processing of Database Systems”, KISS SIGDB |
1989/081 |
Editor, '90 SIGDB Winter
Conference |
1989/09 |
1990/03 |
Editor, '91 SIGDB Winter
Conference |
1990/09 |
1991/03 |
Local arrangement chairperson,
Int'l Workshop on New Database Technology |
1991/01 |
1991/12 |
Editor, '92 SIGDB Winter
Conference |
1991/10 |
1992/03 |
Invited Talk: “Design of Databases”, Pohang Institute of Science and Technology |
1992/02 |
Invited Talk: “On-Line Transaction Processing
Systems and Electronic Data Interchange”, Korea
Telecom |
1992/02 |
Organizing Committee Member, KISS
ChungCheong Branch Fall Conference |
1992/07 |
1992/12 |
Session chairperson, KISS '92
Fall Conference |
1992/08 |
1992/12 |
Chairperson of Technical Group in
Transaction Processing, OSIA |
1992/09 |
1993/08 |
Invited Talk: “Database and Transaction Processing
Benchmarks”, Seoul National University |
1992/09 |
Editor, '93 KISS SIGDB Winter
Conference |
1992/10 |
1993/03 |
Invited Talk: “On-Line Transaction Processing
Monitors”, Samsung Adv. Inst. of Technology |
1992/12 |
Session chairperson,The Third
Int'l Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications |
1993/01 |
1993/12 |
Local arrangement chairperson,
The Third Int'l Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications |
1993/01 |
1993/12 |
Manager of KISS ChungCheong
Branch |
1993/01 |
1994/12 |
Chairperson of Working Group in
Distributed Transaction Processing, Telecommunication Technology Association |
1993/04 |
1993/11 |
Organizing Committee Member, KISS
ChungCheong Branch Fall Conference |
1993/07 |
1993/12 |
Invited Talk: “Concepts and Technologies of Remote
Database Accesses”, National Computerization Agency |
1993/08 |
Program committee member, The
20th KISS Spring Conference |
1994/01 |
1994/12 |
Organizing Committee Member, '94
KISS ChungCheong Branch Spring Conference |
1994/01 |
1994/06 |
Invited Talk: “Transaction Processing Monitors”, KISS SIGDB Tutorial, Soongsil University |
1994/07 |
Organizing Committee Member, '94
KISS ChungCheong Branch Fall Conference |
1994/07 |
1994/12 |
Editor, KISS Review |
1995/01 |
1995/12 |
Program committee Member, '96 ACM
SIGMOD Int'l Conference on Management of Data, Montreal, Canada |
1996/01 |
1996/12 |
Invited Talk: “Technology of Multimedia DBMS”, KISS SIGDB Panel, Seoul National University |
1996/07 |
1996/07 |
Editor-in-Chief, A Special
Interest Group on Database, KISS |
1996/08 |
1998/07 |
Editor, Journal of KISS |
1997/01 |
1998/12 |
Session chairperson, The Fifth
Int'l Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Australia |
1997/01 |
1997/12 |
Program Committee Member, The Eighth
Int'l Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications |
1997/01 |
1997/12 |
Program Committee Member, The
Fifth Int'l Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications,
Australia |
1997/01 |
1997/12 |
서울시 소방본부 자문위원 |
1997/01 |
1999/12 |
연구개발정보센터 자문위원 |
1997/01 |
1998/12 |
Program Committee Member, The
Third Int'l Conference on Cooperative Information Systems, New York, USA |
1998/01 |
1998/12 |
Program Committee Member, DEXA 1998,
The Ninth Int'l Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications |
1998/01 |
1998/12 |
Panelist: “Workflow Management Systems”, Panel '98 KISS SIGDB Summer Seminar, Sogang University |
1998/08 |
1998/08 |
Panelist: “Year2000: Problems and Solutions”, Panel, '98 KISS SIGDB Summer Seminar, Sogang University |
1998/08 |
1998/08 |
Program Committee Member, DEXA
1999, The Tenth Int'l Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications,
Italy |
1999/01 |
1999/12 |
Editor, Journal of KISS |
1999/01 |
2000/12 |
Program Committee Member, CIKM
'99, The Eight Int'l Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,
Kansas City, USA |
1999/01 |
1999/12 |
Organizing Committee Member,
CS&I 2000, The Fifth Int'l Conference Computer Science and Informatics,
Atlantic City, USA |
1999/01 |
1999/12 |
Invited Talk: “Workflow management Systems:
Concepts, Trends and Research Issues”, Chungbuk
Univesity |
1999/05 |
Invited Talk: “A Web-based Information Management
System for RRC” |
1999/07 |
Program Committee Member, DEXA
2000, The 11th Int'l Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, |
1999/10 |
2000/09 |
서울종합방재센터 자문위원 |
2000/01 |
2000/12 |
과학기술전자도서관 자문위원 |
2000/03 |
2001/03 |
Program Committee Member, DEXA
2001, The 12th Int'l Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, |
2000/071 |
2001/06 |
PC Chair, 2nd Korean Database
Conference |
2000/08 |
2001/06 |
KISS SIGDB Steering Committee 부위원장 |
2000/09 |
2002/08 |
대전지방검찰청 컴퓨터수사자문위원회 자문위원 |
2000/10 |
Invited Talk: “Technology Trends in Wireless
Application Protocol and Wireless Markup language”,
2000/11 |
Program Committee Member, 1st Int'l
Conf. on Information Systems Technology and Its Applications ISTA'2001 |
2000/11/ |
2001/06 |
Program Committee Member, Mobile
Data Management |
2000/03 |
2001/01 |
Program Committee Member, EDBT'02,
2002 International Conference on Extending Database Technology |
2001/04 |
2002/04 |
Program Committee Member, DEXA
2002, The 13th Int'l Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, |
2001 |
2002 |
Program Committee Member, IASTED-AI2002,
International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED)
International Symposium on Databases and Applications |
2001 |
2002 |
Program Committee Member,
MDM2003-4th Int'l Conf. on Mobile Data Management, January, 2003, Australia |
2002 |
2003 |
Program Committee member,
IASTED-AI2003, International Program Committee (IPC) for the IASTED
International Conference on Applied Informatics |
2002 |
2003 |
Invited Talk: “Dependable Information Systems”, Samsung SDS |
2002/7 |
2002/7 |
PC Chair, KDBC2003, 4th Korean
Database Conference |
2002 |
2003 |
Program Committee Member,
PAKDD-03, Seventh Pacific-Asia Conference on knowledge Discovery and data
Mining |
2002 |
2003 |
Program Committee Member, DEXA2003,
14th Int'l Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Prague,
Czech Republic |
2002 |
2003 |
KISS SIGDB 운영위원회 부위원장 |
2002 |
2004 |
Invited Talk: “Highly Available Information
Systems”, Chungbuk National University |
2002/11 |
2002/11 |
Program Committee Member, ISTA
2003 (2nd International Conference on Information Systems Technology and its
Applications) |
2003 |
2003 |
Program Committee Member, MDM2004
(5th Int'l Conf. on Mobile Data Management), January, 2004, Silicon Valley |
2003 |
2004 |
Program Committee Member, Data
& Knowledge Engineering Journal, a special issue on “Collaborative Business Process
Technologies” |
2003 |
2003 |
Program Committee Member,
IASTED-DBA2004 (IASTED International Conference on Databases and Applications),
2004 |
2003 |
2004 |
Program Committee Member,
DEXA2004, 15th Int'l Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications,
Zaragoza, Spain, August |
2003 |
2004 |
Program Committee Member,
PAKDD-04 (The Eighth Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining), Australia, Feb. 2004 |
2003 |
2004 |
한국정보과학회 이사 (제 19대 임원) |
2004 |
2004 |
Program Committee Member,
ISTA2004, Int'l Conf. on Information Systems Technology and its Applications,
Salt lake city, USA |
2004 |
2004 |
Program Committee Member,
IASTED-DBA2005 (IASTED International Conference on Databases and
Applications), Innsbruck, Austria, 2005, 2 |
2004 |
2005 |
Country/Region PC Co-Chair,
Human.Society@Internet 2005 |
2004 |
2005 |
Program Committee Member, PAKDD-05
(The Ninth Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining),
Vietnam, April. 2005 |
2004 |
2005 |
Program Committee Member,
ISTA2005, Int'l Conf. on Information Systems Technology and its Applications,
Palmerston North, New Zealand |
2004 |
2005 |
한국정보과학회 데이타베이스연구회 운영위원장 (제 11대) |
2004 |
2006 |
Program Committee Member,
DEXA2005 |
2004 |
2006 |
한국정보과학회 이사 (제 20대 임원) |
2005 |
2005 |
한국데이타베이스학술대회 (KDBC2005) 학술대회장 |
2005 |
2005 |
Selected as a top scholar (ranked
10th) in the Systems and Software Engineering, "An assessment of systems
and software engineering scholars and institutions (1999-2003)", Journal
of Systems and Software, Vol. 76, Issue 1, P. 91-97, 2005 |
2005/4 |
2005/4 |
한국증권선물거래소 IT통합추진위원회 위원 |
2005 |
2007 |
Program Committee Member,
IASTED-DBA2006 (IASTED International Conference on Databases and
Applications), Innsbruck, Austria, 2006, 2 |
2005 |
2006 |
Program Committee Member,
i-Society 2006 |
2005 |
2006 |
Program Committee Member,
ISTA2006, Klagenfurt, Austria |
2005 |
2006 |
Program Committee Member,
DEXA2006, Krakow, Poland |
2005 |
2006 |
Program Committee Member, DEECS
2006, The 2nd International Workshop on Data Engineering in E-Commerce and
Services |
2005 |
2006 |
한국정보과학회 이사 (제 21대 임원) |
2006 |
2006 |
한국데이타베이스학술대회 (KDBC2006) 학술대회장 |
2006 |
2006 |
Selected as a top scholar (ranked
7th) in the Systems and Software Engineering, "An assessment of systems
and software engineering scholars and institutions (2000-2004)", Journal
of Systems and Software, Vol. 79, Issue 6, P. 816-819, 2006, 6 |
2006/6 |
2006/6 |
Invited Talk: “Data Stream Processing and
Management: Concepts, Architectures and Issues”,
Chungbuk National University |
2006/4 |
2006/4 |
한국정보과학회논문지:데이타베이스 편집위원장 |
2007 |
2008 |
Program Committee Member,
DEXA2007, Regensburg, Germany |
2007 |
2007 |
Program Committee Member, DEECS
2007, The 2nd International Workshop on Data Engineering in E-Commerce and
Services |
2007 |
2007 |
Program Committee Member, ISTA 2007,
Ukraine |
2007 |
2007 |
Invited Talk: “Context-Aware Information Systems:
Concepts and Implementation”, Chungbuk National
University |
2007/5 |
2007/5 |
Program Committee Member,
DASFAA2008, The 13th Int'l Conf. on Database Systems for Advanced
Applications, New Delhi, India |
2007 |
2008 |
Program Committee Member, ISTA
2008, Klagenfurt, Austria |
2007 |
2008 |
National Research Lab 선정 |
2007 |
Program Committee Member,
DEXA2008, Turin, Italy |
2007 |
2008 |
Invited Talk: “Link Analysis”, 국립군산대학교 |
2008 |
2008 |
Selected as a top scholar (ranked
9th) in the Systems and Software Engineering, "An assessment of systems
and software engineering scholars and institutions (2001-2005)", Journal
of Systems and Software, Vol. 81, No. 6, P.1059-1062, 2008, 6 |
2008/6 |
2008/6 |
Program Committee Member, ISTA
2009, Sydney, Australia |
2008 |
2009 |
Invited Talk: “Management of Lifelog”, Chungbuk National University |
2008/11 |
2008/11 |
Program Committee Member,
DEXA2009, Linz, Austria |
2009 |
2009 |
Program Committee member,
DASFAA2010, Tsukuba, Japan |
2009 |
2010 |
Selected as a top scholar (ranked
13th) in the Systems and Software Engineering, "An assessment of systems
and software engineering scholars and institutions (2002-2006)", Journal
of Systems and Software, Vol. 82, Issue. 6, P.1370-1373, 2009, 8 |
2009/08 |
2009/08 |
Invited Talk: “Efficient Histograms for Geographic
Objects”, Chungbuk National University |
2009/12 |
2009/12 |
한국정보과학회 제25대 이사 |
2010 |
2011 |
Program Committee Member,
DEXA2010, Bilbabo, Spain |
2010 |
2010 |
Program Committee Co-Chair,
DASFAA 20111, Hong Kong, 2011, 4 |
2010 |
2011 |
KAIST 학술정보처장 |
2010 |
한국대학정보화협의회 이사 |
2011 |
2012 |
학술정보공동활용협의회 (KORSA) 회장 |
2011 |
2012 |