Domestic Conference Papers


M.H.Kim, "Data Distribution Problems for Multiattribute Range Queries", Proc. KISS ChungCheong Branch, 대한민국, P. 32 - 35, 1989


S.H.Oh, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Design of A Collective Evaluation Environment of Software Metrices", Proc. KISS, 대한민국, P. 607 - 610, 1991, 10


J.H.Lee, B.S.Youn, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Ranking Documents in Thesaurus-Based Boolean Retrieval Systems", Proc. KISS, Serial. 18, 대한민국, P. 31 - 34, 1991, 10


J.S.Yoo, J.W.Chang, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Design and Implementation of Clustering Algorithm for Efficient Signature File Construction", Proc. KISS, Serial. 18, 대한민국, P. 11 - 14, 1991, 10


S.H.Oh, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Reusable Software Components for Database Management Systems", Proc. The Korea Database Society, 대한민국, P. 169 - 179, 1991, 12


S.H.Hong, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Locking Mechanism for the Configuration Management", Proc. KISS, Serial. 18, 대한민국, P. 23 - 26, 1991, 4


C.M.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Multikey Indexing Techniques to Support Complex Objects", Proc. KISS, Serial. 19, 대한민국, P. 43 - 46, 1992


B.S.Youn, J.H.Lee, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "An Extension of the Fuzzy Set Model Using Term Dependency Information from the Thesaurus", Proc. SIGDB Conf., Serial. 19, 대한민국, P. 119 - 124, 1992


S.H.Hong, B.M.Im, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Design and Implementation of a Data Access System with Large Main Memory", Proc. KISS, Serial. 19, 대한민국, P. 27 - 30, 1992


T.H.Im, J.H.Lee, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Document Interchange Based on ODA/ODIF for Heterogeneous Systems", Proc. Kiss, Serial. 19, 대한민국, P. 69 - 72, 1992


K.Y.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Skew Robust Parallel Hash Join Algorithm", Proc. SIGDB Conf., Serial. 8, 대한민국, P. 60 - 67, 1992


J.H.Lee, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Document Ranking Method Based on Conceptual Distance Between Index Terms", Proc. KISS, Serial. 19, 대한민국, P. 39 - 42, 1992


W.Y.Kim, J.H.Lee, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Enhancing the Fuzzy Set Model for High Quality Retrieval Effectiveness", Proc. KISS, Serial. 19, 대한민국, P. 47 - 50, 1992


J.H.Lee, J.H.Kim, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Design and Implementation of Hanguel Editor with 2-Dimensional Gestural Interface", Proc. KISS, Serial. 19, 대한민국, P. 1035 - 1038, 1992


S.C.Lim, H.D.Yoo and M.H.Kim, "Implementation of OSI-CCR Services", Proc. KISS, Serial. 20, 대한민국, P. 136 - 166, 1993


B.M.Im, H.D.Yoo, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Design and Implementation of A Reliable On-Line Transaction Processing Monitor", Proc. KISS, Serial. 20, 대한민국, P. 167 - 170, 1993


H.D.Yoo, S.C.Lim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A High Performance On-Line Transactions Processing Monitor", UNIX Symposium of Koera '93, 대한민국, P. 147 - 153, 1993


D.H.Lee, M.H.Kim and K.H.Lee, "A Fuzzy Relational Query Language Expressing Soft Constraints", Proc. KISS, Serial. 20, 대한민국, P. 93 - 96, 1993


S.H.Hong, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Concurrency Control Mechanism Based on Locking and Tome-Stamping in Real-Time Database Systems", Proc. KISS, Serial. 20, 대한민국, P. 7 - 10, 1993


W.Y.Kim, J.H.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Improving the Fuzzy Set Model through the Analyses of Positively Compensatory Operators", Proc. SIGDB Conf., Serial. 9, 대한민국, P. 67 - 71, 1993


D.H.Lee, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Hypothesis Refinement Method for Knowledge Discovery in Databases", Proc. SIGDB Conf., 대한민국, P. 125 - 131, 1993


D.H.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Elicitation of Semantic Knowledge for Fuzzy Database Systems", Proc. KISS, Serial. 20, 대한민국, P. 113 - 116, 1993


S.G.Han, J.S.Yoo, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Hierarchical Signature File Method for Dynamic Environments", Proc. KISS, Serial. 20, 대한민국, P. 199 - 202, 1993


J.S.Yoo, S.K.Han, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Hierarchical Signature File Access Method for Office Automation Environments", Proc. KISS, Serial. 20, 대한민국, P. 43 - 46, 1993


H.I.Choi, B.M.Im, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Performance Evaluation of Communication Cost in Parallel Join Algorithms for Hypercube Multicomputers", Proc. KISS, Serial. 21, 대한민국, P. 187 - 190, 1994


J.S.Yoo, M.H.Kim, Y.J.Lee, "New Signature Clustering Methods for Efficient Signature Files", Proc. KISS, Serial. 21, 대한민국, P. 59 - 62, 1994


D.H.Lee, W.S.Yang and M.H.Kim, "Implementation of the RDA SQL International Standard", Proc. KISS, Serial. 21, 대한민국, P. 39 - 42, 1994


S.C.Lim, H.D.Yoo, K.S.Kim, I.Y.Jung and M.H.Kim, "Design of the OSI-DTP Protocol System", Proc. KISS, Serial. 21, 대한민국, P. 35 - 38, 1994


S.C.Lim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "An Efficient Algorithm for B-tree Concurrency Control", Proc. SIGDB Conf., Serial. 10, 대한민국, P. 140 - 145, 1994


W.S.Yang, D.H.Lee, D.W.Kim and M.H.Kim, "Development of An Active Database System", Proc. KISS, Serial. 21, 대한민국, P. 217 - 220, 1994


D.W.Kim, Y.J.Lee, M.H.Kim, "Efficient Evaluation of Trigger Conditions", Proc. SIGDB Conf., Serial. 10, 대한민국, P. 79 - 85, 1994


Y.D.Chung, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "An Indexing Scheme for Divergence Caching in Wireless Information Systems", Proc. KISS, Serial. 22, 대한민국, P. 247 - 250, 1995


E.K.Kim, D.H.Lee, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Incremental Evaluation for Mining Association Rules in Database", Proc. KISS, Serial. 22, 대한민국, P. 221 - 224, 1995


D.Y.Kim, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "An Index Structure for Nonuniformaly Distributed Spatial Data", Proc. KISS, Serial. 22, 대한민국, P. 115 - 118, 1995


D.W.Hahm, Y.J.Lee, M.J.Kim and M.H.Kim, "A Methodology for Global Schema Update in Federated Database", Proc. KISS, Serial. 22, 대한민국, P. 61 - 64, 1995


W.S.Yang, D.H.Lee, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Efficient Condition Evaluation for Multiple Triggers", Proc. KISS, Serial. 22, 대한민국, P. 31 - 34, 1995


B.M.Im, S.H.Hong, J.C.Song and M.H.Kim, "Development of A Storage System for Distributed Transactions Processing", Proc. KISS, Serial. 22, 대한민국, P. 3 - 6, 1995


S.K.Woo, S.H.Hong, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Shadow-Based Recovery Method in Main Memory Database", Proc. KISS, Serial. 22, 대한민국, P. 293 - 296, 1995


Y.D.Chung, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Dynamic Distributed Indexing Scheme", Proc. KISS, Serial. 22, 대한민국, P. 3 - 6, 1996


H.I.Lee, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "An Efficient Access Method for Range Query on Multi-Disk", Proc. KISS SIGDB Conf., Serial. 12, 대한민국, P. 103 - 108, 1996


J.C.Song, B.M.Im and M.H.Kim, "Design of Server Load Scheduler in DCE environment", Proc. KISS ChungCheong Branch, 1996


B.M.Im, J.S.Yoo and M.H.Kim, "An Effective Signature Declustering Algorithm for Parallel Processing", The First Korea Science and Technology Information Workshop, 1996


E.K.Kim, Y.J.Lee, M.H.Kim and D.H.Lee, "Mining Quantized Association Rules in Large Databases", Proc. KISS, Serial. 23, 대한민국, P. 155 - 158, 1996


J.Y.Lee, Y.D.Chung and M.H.Kim, "Data Clustering Methods for Wireless Broadcasting", Proc. KISS, Serial. 23, 대한민국, P. 117 - 120, 1997


W.H.Park, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Efficient Range MaxN/MinM processing in data cube for OLAP", Proc. KISS, Serial. 23, 대한민국, P. 77 - 80, 1997


W.Y.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Incremental Construction of Knowledge for Effective Information Retrieval", Korea Science and Technology Information Workshop, P. 172 - 183, 1997


Y.D.Chung, J.Y.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Analysis of Clustering Wireless Broadcast Data", Proc. KISS, Serial. 23, 대한민국, P. 121 - 124, 1997


H.T.Ceong, D.H.Lee, M.H.Kim, M.J.Kim and Y.C.Lew, "Workflow Modeling based on Degrees of Isolation", 3rd Korea Science & Technology Information Workshop, 대한민국, P. 214 - 228, 1998


D.H.Cho, J.Y.Lee, Y.D.Chung, M.H.Kim, H.K.Hong, K.I.Yoo and B.K.Yoo, "On Processing Large Scale Set Operations", Proc. KISS, Serial. 25, 대한민국, P. 362 - 364, 1998


B.K.Shin, T.Y.Kwak, S.L.Choi, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "An Effective Clustering Method for High Dimensional Indexes", Proc. KISS, Serial. 25, 대한민국, P. 247 - 249, 1998


S.L.Choi, T.Y.Kwak, B.K.Shin, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Analyses of k-Nearest Search in High Dimensional Vector Spaces", Proc. KISS, Serial. 25, 대한민국, P. 191 - 193, 1998


B.K.Shin, H.J.Chung, J.S.Kim, B.K.Yoo, K.I.Yoo, H.K.Hong and M.H.Kim, "Design and Implementation of Dictionary Based Alias Search Module on KT114 Business Search System", Proc. KISS, Serial. 25, 대한민국, P. 327 - 329, 1998


Y.D.Chung, J.S.Kim, H.S.Park, S.C.Hong and M.H.Kim, "Development of Content-based Similarity Search in Human-body Image Information Systems", Proceedings of The 5th Korea Science & Technology Infrastructure Workshop, P. 57-71, 2000, 12


K.Y. Lee, Y.J. Lee and M.H. Kim, "An Efficient Incremental Maintenance Strategy for a Set of Views Using a Reusing Technique", Proc. Korean Database Conference 2001, P. 80-93, 2001, 6


S.W.Seo, Y.D.Chung and M.H.Kim, "Efficiently Querying XML Data Using Relational Databases", Proc. Korean Database Conference 2002, P. 291-297, 2002, 5


J.H. Kim, Y.D. Chung and M.H. Kim, "An Efficient Disk Block Allocation Scheme for Path Indexes", Proc. Korean Database Confeence 2003, P. 10-16, 2003, 5


J.M. Jeon, M.H. Kim and Y.J. Lee, "An Access Control Method for XML Data Based on Relational Model", Proc. Korean Database Confernce 2003, P. 71-78, 2003, 5


Y.S.park, Y.D.Chung and M.H.Kim, "An Efficient XPath Querying XML Documents Using Relational Databases", Korean Database Conference 2004, P. 268-275, 2004, 5


C.L.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "XML Document Access Control based on RDBMS", KDBC2006, P. 11-18, 2005, 5


Y.H.Roh, H.G. Kim, H.S.Kim, J.H.Yun, J.H.Son, M.H.Kim, "Designing a New ebXML Registry Information Model for Ontology Data", Proc. KISS Vol.33, No.2, P. 291-296, 2006, 10


H.G. Kim, I.C. Song, Y.W. Lee and M.H. Kim, "A Design of the Data Stream Management System to Support Window-based Queries", KDBC2007, P. 227-233, 2007, 5


T.H. Kwon, Y.S. Park, Y.W. Lee, J.H. Jeon, J.H. Kim and M.H. Kim, "Development of a Distributed Query Processing System for Heterogeneous Data Sources", KDBC2007, P.357-364, 2007, 5


H.K.Kim, J.H.Ha, J.H.Jeon, E.H.Chung, Y.H.Roh and M.H.Kim, "Implementation of a Lifelog Tagging Tool Based on the Abstraction of Tag Types", Korean Database Conference 2008, P.75-80, 2008, 5


I.C.Song, J.E.Jung, T.H.Kwon, B.K.Kim, D.M.Haam and M.H.Kim, "Query Processing Based on SQL Transformations in Lifelog", Korean Database Conference 2008, P.81-88, 2008, 5


H.G.Kim, W.L.Kang and M.H.Kim, "A Join Algorithm for Processing Overlapping Windowed Data Streams Efficiently", KIISE Fall Conference, Vol. 35, No. 2(A), P. 15-16, 2008, 11


H.G.Kim, W.L.Kang and M.H.Kim, " Path Monitoring A Design of the Load Shedding Mechanism for Applications", KCC2009, Korea Computer Congress 2009, P.219-224, 2009,7


D.M.Seo, Y.H.Park, J.TLim, M.H.Kim and J.S.Yoo, "An XML Labeling Scheme based on Bit-Patterns for Efficient Updates in Large XML Documents", KCC2009, Korea Computer Congress 2009, P.14-15, 2009, 7


Y.H.Roh, J.H.Kim, J.H.Son and M.H.Kim, "An Enhanced Multi-Dimensional Histogram Method Using Hierarchical Space Partitioning", 2009 GIS 공동추계학술대회, P.21-28, 2009, 9


J.H.Kim and M.H.Kim, "An R*tree Based Two-Dimensional Histogram Method", 2009 GIS 공동추계학술대회, P.17-20, 2009, 9


Y.W.lee, I.H.lee, I.C.Song and M.H.Kim, "An Automated Annotation and Search Method for Photo Lifelog based on Face Recognition", KIISE Fall Conference, P.7-12, 2009, 11


D.M.Haam, I.C.Song, H.K.Kim and M.H.Kim, "Design and Implementation of an Ontology-based Lifelog Management System", KIISE Fall Conference, P.13-18, 2009, 11


J.H.Jeon and M.H.Kim, "A Dynamic Temporal Histogram in Time Interval Data Streams", KIISE Fall Conference, P.28-33, 2009, 11


B.J.Kim, T.E.Kim, K.Y.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Automatic Lifelog Tagging through Context Detection in the Smart Phone", KCC2010, Korea Computer Congress 2010, P.84-89, 2010, 6


T.E.Kim and M.H.Kim, "A Framework for Supporting Rapid Development of the Semantic Web Application", KCC2010, Korea Computer Congress 2010, P.72-77, 2010, 6


B.J.Kim, I.C.Song and M.H.Kim, "An Efficient R-Tree Update Method for Spatial Objects with Lifetime Constraints", KIISE Fall Conference, Vol.37, No.2(C), P.3-4, 2010, 11


J.S.Kim, J.H.Heon and M.H.Kim, "A method to Select Hierarchical Filters for Skyline Computation in Sensor Networks", KIISE Fall Conference, Vol.37, No.2(C), P.5-6, 2010, 11


S.K.Lim, I.C.Song and M.H.Kim, "A User Characteristics and Affinity Analysis Method for Social Networks Based on User Behavior", KIISE Fall Conference, Vol.37, No.2(C), P.10-15, 2010, 11


T.E.Kim and M.H.Kim, "A Structured Query Processing on the Web", KCC 2011, Korea Computer Congress 2011, Vol.38, No.1(C), P. 70-73, 2011, 6


T.E.Kim, S.K.Lim and M.H.Kim, "A Method for Lecture Video Browsing by Extracting Presentation Slides", KCC 2011, Korea Computer Congress 2011, Vol.38, No.1(C), P. 119-123, 2011, 6


S.K.Lim and M.H.Kim, "Measuring Similarity Between Lecture Notes Based on a Tree Structure", KCC 2011, Korea Computer Congress 2011, Vol.38, No.1(C), P. 25-28, 2011, 6


J.S.Kim and M.H.Kim, "Selecting Representative Contents in Mobile Augmented Reality Service", KCC 2011, Korea Computer Congress 2011, Vol.38, No.1(C), P. 157-160, 2011, 6


H.R.Park, J.S.Kim and M.H.Kim, "A Method to Improve Convenience of Queries for a NoSQL Wrapper with the Composite Row Key", the 2013 Fall Conference of Korea Society of IT Services, P. 437-440, 2013, 11


J.H.Kim and M.H.Kim, “A Cell Density based Histogram Method with High Space Utilization, 2013 KBDSS Fall Conference, P. 43-44, 2013, 12


J.H.Seo and M.H.Kim, “A Filtering Method for Similar Video Retrieval in a Large Video Dataset”, 2013 KBDSS Fall Conference, P. 45-46, 2013, 12


J.S.Kim, H.R.Oh and M.H.Kim, "Data Modeling and Query Processing of LBSNs for Supporting Group-based Check-in", Korea Computer Congress 2014, P. 249-251, 2014, 6


T.E.Kim, I.H.Hwang and M.H.Kim, "A Hybrid Index Structure for Image-Keyword Joint Query Processing", Korea Computer Congress 2014,  P. 282-284, 2014, 6


H.R.Park, H.S.Jin and M.H.Kim, "Design of Data Integration Framework for Integrating Heterogeneous Natural Substance Database Effectively", Korea Computer Congress 2014, P. 273-275, 2014, 6


H.S.Jin, H.R.Park and M.H.Kim, "Standardization and Entity Resolution for Constructing Integrated Biomedical Data Warehouses", Korea Computer Congress 2014,  P. 308-310, 2014, 6


J.H.Kim and M.H.Kim, “Minimizing the Size of Bins in Multiple Grid Histograms Using Tree-based Index”, 2014 KIISE Winter Conference, P. 249-251, 2014, 12


T.E.Kim and M.H.Kim, “Improvement of the Fisher Vector Algorithm for Enhancing the Search Accuracy of Content-based Image Search”, 2014 KIISE Winter Conference, P. 252-254, 2014, 12


J.H.Seo and M.H.Kim, “Block Features and an Effective Method for Region-based Image Retrieval”, Korea Computer Congress 2015,  P. 248-250, 2015, 6


D.M.Haam and M.H.Kim, “Content-based Image Retrieval Using Relationships between Images in the Database”, Korea Computer Congress 2015, P. 254-256, 2015, 6


D.S.Kim and M.H.Kim, “Efficient KNN Join between a Data Stream and Disk-based Dataset”, Korea Computer Congress 2015, P. 283-285, 2015, 6


D.S.Kim and M.H.Kim, “Outlier Detection in Attributed Graphs”, 2015 KIISE Winter Conference, P. 172-174, 2015, 12


B.B.Kim and M.H.Kim, "Link Predcition in Bipartite Graphs Considering Hyperedges", 2016 KIISE Winter Conference, P. 169-171, 2016.12


C.M.Ryu, J.H.Seo and M.H.Kim, "An Efficient Traversal Algorithm of DFS, BFS for Large Hypergraphs", 2016 KIISE Winter Conference, P. 205-207, 2016.12


T.W.Ha, J.H.Seo and M.H.Kim, "Subgraph Isomorphism Query Processing Using Join Operations of Paths", 2016 KIISE Winter Conference, P. 208-210, 2016.12


C.M.Ryu, J.H.Seo and M.H.Kim, "Developing Hypergraph Query System Considering Hyperedge Information Using Subgraph Isomorphism", Korea Computer Congress 2017, P. 307-309, 2017.06


T.W.Ha and M.H.Kim, "An Efficient Path-based Indexing Technique for Subgraph Isomorphism Query Processing", Korea Computer Congress 2017, P. 310-312, 2017.06


C.H.Chang and M.H.Kim, “A Deep Collaborative Filtering based POI Recommend System with Homogeneous Relationship Information,”, Korea Computer Congress 2018, P., 2018.06


S.M.Han and M.H.Kim, "Random Walk with Restart on a Large-scale Heterogeneous Network Based on the Bayesian Personalized Ranking", KSC2018, P.889-891, 2018.12


C.H.Chang and M.H.Kim,, "Solar power generation prediction by a deep-learning model", ICCC2018: International Conference on Convergence Content, P. 351-352, 2018, 12


.D.G.Ha and M.H.Kim,, "LatticeISO: Efficient sub-hypergraph Isomorphism Search Using a Structural Index", ICCC2018: International Conference on Convergence Content, P. 353-354, 2018, 12


J.H.Seo and M.H.Kim, "A Method of Improving Performance of Distributed Graph Clustering by Using Graph Triangles", Korea Computer Congress 2019, P. 202-204, 2019.06


S.J.Ahn and M.H.Kim, "Node Classification based on Graph Neural Networks using Random Walk with Restart", Korea Computer Congress 2019, P. 715-717, 2019.06


K.H.Lee, H.J.Jeong, and M.H.Kim, "A Design of 2-dimensional Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks for Answer Selection Tasks in Co-attention Networks", Korea Computer Congress 2019, P. 1064-1066, 2019.06


S.J.Ahn and M.H.Kim, "High-Order Graph Neural Networks for Link Prediction in Heterogeneous Information Networks", Korea Computer Congress 2021, P. 765-767, 2021.06


S.J.Ahn and M.H.Kim, "Link Prediction based on Graph Convolution Networks using Communicability Kernel", Korea Computer Congress 2021, P. 783-785, 2021.06


S.Y.Kim and M.H.Kim, "Knowledge Distillation for Anomaly Detection in Multivariate Time Series Data", Korea Computer Congress 2021, P. 992-994, 2021.06


J.S.Kim and M.H.Kim, "Link Prediction in Knowledge Graphs using Composition-based Graph Attention Networks, KSC2021, P. 665 - 667, 2021, 12


S.J.Ahn and M.H.Kim, "Neural Graph Ordinary Differential Equation Using Higher-Order

Structural Information in Heterogeneous Information Networks", KCC2022, P. 993-995, 2022, 6


T.W.Ha and M.H.Kim, "Otsu method-based anomaly thresholds for deep anomaly detection in multivariate time series", KSC2022, P. 758 - 760, 2022, 12


H.M.Kim, T.W.Ha and M.H.Kim, "Improving the Performance of Learned Index Structures Using Kernel Density Estimation", Korea Computer Congress 2023, P. 123-125, 2023.06


T.W.Ha and M.H.Kim, "A Comparative Analysis of Performance Changes with K value in PA%K for Evaluating Anomaly Detection in Multivariate Time Series", Korea Computer Congress 2023, P. 997-999, 2023.06


S.J.Ahn and M.H.Kim, "Learning Pseudo Label Distributions for Semi-Supervised Node Classification"  Korea Computer Congress 2023, P1154-1156, 2023.06


S.J.Ahn and M.H.Kim, " FairGMLP: Learning Individually Fair Node Representations via Knowledge Distillation", KSC 2023, P.877-879, 2023, 12


M.K.Kim, S.J.Ahn and M.H.Kim, "Distilling Knowledge from Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks to MLPs using Synthetic Features", KSC 2024, P.188-190, 2024, 12