International Conference Papers


S.Pramannik and M.H.Kim, "HCB-tree : A B-tree Structure for Parallel Processing", Proc. Int'l Conf. on Parallel Processing, Chicago, Serial. 16, P. 140 - 146, USA, 1987, 8


M.H.Kim and S.Pramannik, "Optimal File Distribution For Partial Match Retrieval", Proc. ACM SIGMOD Conf., Chicago, USA, P. 173 - 182, Chicago, USA,1988, 6


S.Pramannik and M.H.Kim, "Generalized Parallel Processing Models for Database Systems", Proc. Int'l Conf. on Parallel Processing, Serial. 17, USA, Vol. III, P. 76 - 83, Chicago, USA, 1988, 8


S.Pramannik and M.H.Kim, "Database Processing Models in Parallel Processing Systems", Proc. Sixth Int'l Workshop on Database Machines, Serial. 6, P. 112 - 126, Deauville, France, 1989, 6


M.H.Kim and S.Pramannik, "On the Data Distribution Problems for Range Queries", Proc. Int'l Conf. on Parallel Processing, Serial. 18, P. 91 - 94, Chicago, USA, 1989, 8


S.H.Lee, M.H.Kim, Y.J.Lee and M.J.Kim, "A Real-Time DBMS for Telecommunication Applications", 12th IEEE Real Time System Symposium, The Current System Development Sessions, Serial. 12, USA, P. 1 - 5, San Antonio, USA, 1991, 12


S.H.Oh, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Management Discipline of Software Quality Metrices", SCS Silver Jubilee Conference, P. 55 - 62, Singapore, 1992, 10


S.H.Oh, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Design of Information Processing Components in the Data Management Domain", CIKM 1992, First Int'l Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management, Serial. 1, P. 231 - 238, Baltimore, USA, 1992, 11


S.H.Oh, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Qualitative Query Evaluation Scheme of Information Systems", '92 European Conference on Software Quality. Madrid, Spain, 1992, 11


J.H.Lee, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Knowledge-Based Approach to Rank Documents for Boolean Queries", The Second Far-East Workshop on Future Database Systems, Serial. 2, P. 315 - 322, Kyoto, Japan, 1992, 4


D.H.Lee, K.H.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Study on the Fuzzy Selective Relational Algebra", Proc. 2nd Int'l Conf. on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks, Serial. 2, P. 353 - 356, Fukuoka, Japan, 1992, 7


S.H.Lee, L.J.Henchen, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Enforcement of Integrity Constraints against Transactions with Transaction Axioms", '92 COMSAC, Serial. 16, P. 162 - 167, Chicago, USA, 1992, 9


J.W.Chang, J.S.Yoo, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Signature-based Hybrid Access Scheme for Text Databases", Int'l Symposium on Next Generation Database Systems and Their Applications, P. 138 - 144, Fukuoka, Japan, 1993


J.S.Yoo, M.H.Kim, Y.J.Lee, S.G.Han and J.W.Chang, "A Dynamic Signature File Method for Efficient Information Retrieval", Int'l Symposium on Next Generation Database Systems and Their Applications, P. 108 - 115, Fukuoka, Japan, 1993


D.H.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Fuzzy Relational Data Model and Extended Semantics of Relational Operations", InfoScience '93, P. 259 - 266, Seoul, Korea, 1993, 10


J.S.Yoo, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Design and Evaluation of A Hybrid Access Method Based on Signature Files", InfoScience '93, P. 275 - 281, Seoul, Korea, 1993, 10


D.H.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Hypothesis Refinement Method for Summary Discovery in Databases", CIKM 1993, Second Int'l Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management, Serial. 2, P. 274 - 292, Washington D.C., USA, 1993, 11


S.H.Oh, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Qualitative Behavior Modeling of Information Processing Components", DASFAA 1993, Third Int'l Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Serial. 3, P. 435 - 441, Daejon, Korea, 1993, 4


J.H.Lee, W.Y.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Enhancing the Fuzzy Set Model with Positively Compensatory Operators", DASFAA 1993, Third Int'l Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Serial. 3, P. 368 - 375, Daejon, Korea, 1993, 4


D.H.Lee, M.H.Kim, K.H.Lee and Y.J.Lee, "A Fuzzification of Relational Data Model", DASFAA 1993, Third Int'l Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Serial. 3, P. 360 - 367, Daejon, Korea, 1993, 4


J.H.Lee, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "On the Evaluation of Boolean Operators in the Extended Boolean Retrieval Frameworks", ACM SIGIR Conference, P. 291 - 297, Pittsburgh, USA, 1993, 7


J.H.Lee, W.Y.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "The Effect of Positive Compensation on Retrieval Effectiveness", The 5th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, Serial. 5, P. 489 - 492, Seoul, Korea, 1993, 7


J.S.Yoo, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Heuristic Signature Clustering Methods for Efficient Text Database", Int'l Symposium on Advanced Database Technologies and Their Integrations, P. 79 - 86, Nara, Japan, 1994, 10


H.D.Yoo and M.H.Kim, "Atomic Commitment in Multidatabase Systems", Seventh Int'l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, P. 700 - 705, Las Vegas, USA, 1994, 10


D.H.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Discovering Database Summaries through Refinements of Fuzzy Hypotheses", ICDE 1994, Tenth Int'l Conf. on Data Engineering, Serial. 10, P. 223 - 230, Huston, USA, 1994, 2


H.I.Choi, B.M.Im, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "An Efficient Parallel join Algorithm Based on Hypercube Partitioning", Third Int'l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems, Serial. 3, P. 50 - 57, Austin, USA, 1994, 9


J.S.Yoo, Y.J.Lee, J.W.Chang and M.H.Kim, "The HS File: A New Dynamic Signature File Method for Efficient Information Retrieval", DEXA 1994, 5th Int'l Conf. on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Serial. 5, P. 571-580, Athens, Greece, 1994, 9


J.S.Yoo, B.M.Im, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Signature File Methods", Nineteenth IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference, Serial. 19, P. 144 - 149, 1995


S.H.Hong, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Real-Time Multiversion Concurrency Control Using Procedence Relationships", DASFAA 1995, 4th Int'l Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Serial. 4, P. 222 - 229, Singapore, 1995, 4


D.W.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "The Monitoring of Complex Active Rules with Vector Representation", Workshop on Databases: Active and Real-time, P. 15 - 19, Rockville, USA, 1996, 11


D.H.Chang, J.S.Kim and M.H.Kim, "Temporal Query Processing using Spatially-Partitioned Method", Int'l Symposium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced Applications, P. 404 - 407, Kyoto, Japan, 1996, 12


Y.D.Chung, J.W.Lee, S.T.Kim and M.H.Kim, "Energy Efficient Index Replication for Wireless Data Broadcasting", Int'l Symposium on Digital Media Information Base, P. 295 - 299, Nara, Japan, 1997, 11


D.W.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "An Effective Filtering Technique for Fast Condition Evaluation in Active Databases", DASFAA 1997, 5th Int'l Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Serial. 5, P. 451 - 459, Melbourne, Australia, 1997, 4


B.M.Im, J.S.Yoo and M.H.Kim, "MIN-entropy: A New Signature File Declustering Algorithm for Intra-Query Parallelism", DASFAA 1997, 5th Int'l Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Serial. 5, P. 235 - 242, Melbourne, Australia, 1997, 4


J.S.Kim and M.H.Kim, "On Effective Data clustering in Bitemporal Databases", Fourth Int'l Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, Serial. 4, P. 54 - 61, Daytona Beach, USA, 1997, 5


C.S.Park, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Replica Control Method for Improving Availability for Read-Only Transactions", IDEAS 1997, Int'l Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, P. 104 - 112, Montreal, Canada, 1997, 8


S.K.Woo, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Accomodating Logical Logging under Fuzzy checkpointing in Main Memory Databases", IDEAS 1997,  Int'l Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, P. 53 - 62, Montreal, Canada, 1997, 8


W.Y.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Probabilistic Retrieval with Incrementally Constructed Knowledge", Int'l Symposium on Information Systems and Technologies for Network Society, P. 241 - 248, Fukuoka, Japan, 1997, 9


T.Y.Kwak, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Per-object based Hybrid Concurrency Control", '97 DEXA Workshop, P. 748 - 753, Toulouse, France, 1997, 9


S.K.Woo, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "On Effective Recovering in Main Memory Database", Fourth International Conference on Computer Science & Informations, Serial. 4, P. 349 - 352, Research Triangle Park, USA, 1998, 10


D.W.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "An Efficient Processing of Join and Aggregate Expressions", Fourth International Conference on Computer Science & Informations, Serial. 4, P. 345 - 348, Research Triangle Park, USA, 1998, 10


Y.D.Chung and M.H.Kim, "QEM: A Scheduling Method for Wireless Broadcast Data", DASFAA 1999, Sixth Int'l Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Serial. 6, P. 135 - 142, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 1999, 4


S.C.Lim, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Restructuring Method for the Concurrent B+-Tree Based on Semantic Consistency", DASFAA 1999, Sixth Int'l Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Serial. 6, P. 229 - 236, Hsinchu, Taiwan,1999, 4


S.C.Lim and M.H.Kim, "A Real-Time Prefetching Method for Continuous Media Playback", Third Int'l Workshop on Query Processing and Multimedia Issues in Distributed Systems, Serial. 3, P. 889 - 893, Florence, Italy, 1999, 8


J.S.Kim, S.T.Kang and M.H.Kim, "Effective Temporal Aggregation using Point-based Trees", DEXA 1999, Tenth Int'l Conf. on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Serial. 10, P. 1018 - 1030, Florence, Italy, 1999, 8


J.H.Son and M.H.Kim, "Hard/Soft Deadline Assignment for High Workflow Throughput", International Symposium on Database Applications in Non-Traditional Environments (DANTE '99), P. 272 - 278, Kyoto, Japan, 1999, 11


J.Y.Lee, Y.D.Chung, Y.J.Lee and M.H.KIm, "Effective Clustering of Wireless Data for Partial Match Queries", The Fifth Int'l Conference on Computer Science and Informatics, Serial. 5, P. 337 - 340, Atlantic City, USA, 2000, 2


S.K.Oh, J.H.Son, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Efficient Allocation of Workflow Tasks to Improve the Performance of Distributed Workflows", The Fifth Int'l Conference on Computer Science and Informatics, Serial. 5, P. 445 - 448, Atlantic City, USA, 2000, 2


J.H.Son, J.H.Kim and M.H.Kim, "An Effective Static Deadline Assignment Method in Workflow Systems", The Fifth Int'l Conference on Computer Science and Informatics, Serial. 5, P. 433 - 436, Atlantic City, USA, 2000, 2


J.H.Son and M.H.Kim, "Finding the Critical Path in a Time-Constrained Workflow", Seventh Int'l Conference on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2000), 12-107, 2000, 7


J.H.Lee, Y.D.Chung and M.H.Kim, "Path Query Reduction and Diffusion for Distributed Semi-structured Data Retrieval " ", IDEAS2000, Int'l Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, P. 393-397, Yokohama, Japan, 2000, 9


C.S.Park, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Rewriting OLAP Queries Using Materialized Views and Dimension Hierarchies in Data Warehouses", ICDE2001, Int'l Conf. on Data Engineering, pp.515-523, 2001, 2


J.H.Son and M.H.Kim, ""Analyzing the Critical Path for the Well-formed Workflow Schema", DASFAA 2001, Seventh Int'l Conf. on Database Systems for Advanced Applications", pp.146-147, Hong Kong, 2001, 4


Y.D.Chung, M.J.Kim, W.J.Park and M.H.Kim, "Fractionalized View Materialization in Data Cubes", DASFAA 2001, Seventh Int'l Conf. on Database Systems for Advanced Applications", pp.156-157, Hong Kong, 2001, 4


Y.D.Chung, J.Y.Lee, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Predicate-based Caching in Mobile Clients for Continuous Partial Match Queries", DASFAA 2001, Seventh Int'l Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, P. 158-159, Hong Kong, 2001, 4


J.H.Son and M.H.Kim, "Alpha-Partitioning Algorithm: Vertical Partitioning Based on Fuzzy Graph", DEXA 2001, The Twelfth Int'l Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, P. 538-546, Germany, Munich, 2001, 9


K.Y.Lee, J.H.Son and M.H.Kim, "Efficient Incremental View Maintenance in Data Warehouses", CIKM2001, 10th International Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management, P. 349-356, USA, 2001, 11


H.K.Park, J.H.Son and M.H.Kim. "An Efficient Spatiotemporal Indexing Method for Moving Objects in Mobile Communication Environment", MDM2003, LNCS 2574, Springer-Verlag, P. 78-91, Melbourne, Australia, 2003, 1


S. C. Lim, J. Ahn and  M.H.Kim,  "A Concurrent Blink -tree algorithm using a cooperative locking protocol", BNCOD2003, LNCS 2712, Springer-Verlag, P. 253-260, Coventry, UK, 2003, 7


Y.H.Roh, H.K.Park, K.W.Min and M.H.Kim, "A Histogram Utilizing the Cluster Information", IASTED-DBA2005, P. 99-104, Innsbruck, Austria, 2005, 2


S.H.Yoo, J.H.Son and M.H.Kim, "Maintaining Homomorphism Information of XPath Patterns",  IASTED-DBA2005,  P. 192-197, Innsbruck, Austria, 2005, 2


B.C.Tak, Y.D.Chung, S.J.Kim and M.H.Kim, "Rotational Lease: Providing High Availability in a Shared Storage File System", HPCC-05, LNCS 3726, Springer-Verlag, P. 190-195, 2005, 9


K.Y.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Optimizing the Incremental Maintenance of Multiple Join Views", DOLAP 2005, 8th ACM Int'l Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP, P. 107-113, Breman, Germany, 2005, 10


K.S.Bok, S.I.Song, J.S.Yoo and M.H.Kim, "An Index Structure for Parallel Processing of Multidimensional Data", WAIM2005, The 6th Int'l Conf. on Web-Age Information Management, LNCS Vol. 3739, Springer Verlag, P. 589-600, Hongzhou, China, 2005, 10


E.Lee, M.Kim, B.T.Jang and M.H.Kim, "A Design of Telematics Application Framework on Ubiquitous Sensor Networks", W2GIS 2005, LNCS Vol. 3833, Springer-Verlag, P. 115-128, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2005, 12


J.Y.Lee, Y.H.Lim, Y.D.Chung and M.H.Kim, "Data Storage in Sensor Networks for Multi-dimensional Range Queries", ICESS-05, The 2nd Int'l Conf. on Embedded Software and Systems, LNCS Vol. 3820, Springer-Verlag, P.420-429, Xi'an, China, 2005, 12


Y.K.Suh, J.H.Son and M.H.Kim, "GAGPC: An Algorithm to Optimize Multiple Continuous Queries on Data Streams", IASTED-DBA2006, P. 215-220, Innsbruck, Austria, 2006, 2


K.Y.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Efficient Incremental Maintenance of Data Cubes", VLDB2006, 32nd Int'l Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, P. 823-833, Seoul, Korea, 2006, 9


H.G. Kim, C.G. Kim and M.H. Kim, "Adaptive Disorder Control in Continuous Data Streams", 2006 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Techonlogy (CIT 2006), Seoul, Korea, 2006, 09


I.C.Song, Y.H.Roh, D.J.Hyun and M.H.Kim, "A Query-Based Routing Tree in Sensor Networks", 2nd Int'l Conf. on Geosensor networks (GSN'06), Boston, USA, 2006, 10


H.G.Kim, C.K.Kim and M.H.Kim, "Evaluation of sliding windows based on adaptive disorder control in continuous streams", 2nd Int'l Conf. on Geosensor Networks (GSN'06), Boston, USA, 2006, 10


K.S.Bok, H.W.Yoon, D.M.Seo, S.M.Jang, M.H.Kim and J.S.Yoo, "Indexing the Current positions of Moving Objects on Road networks", ApWeb/WAIM 2007, P.247-252, Huang Shan, China, 2007, 6


Y.H..Roh, H.K.Kim, H.S.Kim, M.H.Kim and J.H.Son, "Semantic Business Registry Information Model", ICCIT'07, P. 2142-2145, Gyeongju, Korea, 2007, 11


K.S.Lee, G.W.Kim, J.H.Son and M.H.Kim, "Web Document Compaction by Compressing URI references in RDF and OWL Data", ACM ICUIMC 2008, P. 163-168, Suwon, Korea, 2008, 1


J.H.Jeon and M.H.Kim, "An Energy-Efficient In-network Join for Event Detection in Sensor Networks", ICOIN 2008, Pusan, Korea, 2008, 1


H.G.Kim and M.H.Kim, "Processing Sliding Windows over Disordered Streams", ICOIN 2008, Pusan, Korea, 2008, 1


S.H.Yoo, Y.H.Roh, I.C.Song, J.H.Jeon, H.S.Kim, J.H.Son, Y.S.Paik, J.H.Han, H.K.Jang and M.H.Kim, "Rule-based Dynamic Business Process Modification and Adaptation", ICOIN 2008, Pusan, Korea, 2008, 1


D.M,Seo,S.I.Song, Y.H.Park, J.S.Yoo and M.H.Kim, "Bdh-Tree: A B+-Tree based Indexing Method for Very Frequent Updates of Moving Objects", CSA2008, Int'l Symposium on Computer and its Applications 2008, P. 314-319, Australia, 2008, 10


H.T.Mai, K.Y.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Processing Top-k Monitoring Queries in Wireless Sensor Networks", SENSORCOMM 2009, The 3rd Int'l Conf. on Sensor Technologies and Applications, P. 545-552, Athens, Greece, 2009, 6


Y.W.Lee, K.Y.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Energy-Efficient Multiple Query Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks", SENSORCOMM 2009, The 3rd Int'l Conf. on Sensor Technologies and Applications, P. 531-538, Athens, Greece, 2009, 6


W.L.Kang, H.G.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.lee, "Efficient Interval Checking over Continuous Data Streams", EDB2009, The 1'st Int'l Conf. on Emerging Databases, P. 104-108, Pusan, Korea, 2009, 8


H.T.Mai and M.H.Kim, "Real-Time Optimal Sequenced Route Query Computation in Road Networks", EDB2009, The 1'st Int'l Conf. on Emerging Databases, P. 39-44, Pusan, Korea, 2009, 8


H.G.Kim, W.L.Kang and M.H.Kim, "Interval Clustering for Efficient Event Filtering over Continuous Data Streams", EDB2009, The 1'st Int'l Conf. on Emerging Databases, P. 115-119, Pusan, Korea, 2009, 8


I.C.Song and M.H.Kim, "Semantic Query-by-Example for RDF Data", EDB2009, The 1'st Int'l Conf. on Emerging Databases, P. 163-168, Pusan, Korea, 2009, 8


I.C.Song, Y.H.Roh and M.H.Kim, "Content-Based Multipath Routing for Sensor Networks", DASFAA 2010, The 15th Int'l Conf. on Database Systems  for Advanced Applications, Part-1  P. 520-534, Tsukuba, Japan, 2010, 4


I.C.Song, D.M.Haam, H.K.Kim and M.H.Kim, "OntLMS: An Ontology-based Lifelog Management System", APWeb 2010, The 12th International Asia-Pacific Web Conference, P. 341-343, Pusan, Korea, 2010, 4


Y.H.Roh, J.H.Kim, Y.D.Chung, J.H.Son and M.H.Kim, "Hierarchically Organized Skew-Tolerant Histograms for Geographic Data Objects" , ACM SIGMOD'2010, P. 627-638, Indianapolis, USA, 2010, 6


Y.W.Lee, K.Y.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Efficient Computation of Multiple Sliding Window Skylines on Data Streams", ICCIT2010, Int'l Conf. on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, P.951-956, Seoul, Korea, 2010, 11


D.M.Haam, K.Y.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Keyword Search on Relational Databases Using Keyword Query Interpretation", ICCIT2010, Int'l Conf. on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, P.957-961, Seoul, Korea, 2010, 11


H.T.Mai and M.H.Kim, "Processing Continuous Top-k Data Collection Queries in Lifetime-Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks", ACM ICUIMC 2011, The 5th Int'l Conf. on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, Seoul, Korea, 2011, 2


S.K.Lim, I.C.Song and M.H.Kim, "Measuring Relevance Between Structured Lecture Notes and Flat Documents for e-Learning", EDB 2011, The Third International Conference on Emerging Databases, Incheon, Korea, P. 89-97, 2011, 8


H.T.Mai, J.H.Kim and M.H.Kim, "Improving the Accuracy of Histograms for Geographic Data Objects", DASFAA 2012, Int'l Conf. on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Part I, LNCS 7238, P. 3-17, Busan, Korea, 2012, 4


H.T.Mai and M.H.Kim, "Integrating Similar Images to Effectively Improve Image Retrieval Accuracy", NCM 2012, 8th Int'l Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management, P. 410-415, Seoul, Korea, 2012, 4


H.J.Jeong, T.E.Kim and M.H.Kim, "An Accurate Lecture Video Segmentation Method by Using SIFT and Adaptive Threshold", MOMM2012, The 10th Int'l Conf. on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia, P. 285-288, Bali, Indonesia, 2012, 12


Y.H.Roh, I.C.Song, J.H.Jeon, K.G.Woo and M.H.Kim, "Energy-Efficient Two-Dimensional Skyline Query Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE CCNC 2013, The 10th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 2013, 1


J.S.Kim, D.M.Haam and M.H.Kim, "Key Frame Extraction Using Skyline Operation", CGIM 2013, The 14th IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging, P. 77-83, Innsbruck, Austria, 2013, 2


T.E.Kim, I.H.Hwang and M.H.Kim, "Improving the Accuracy of Image Search by Combining the Visual Index and the Text Index", ICCC2014, Int'l Conf. on Convergence Content, P. 487-488, Jeju Island, 2014, 6


D.M.Haam and M.H.Kim, "Efficient Computation of Skyline Query with Keyword-based User Preference", ICCC2014, Int'l Conf. on Convergence Content, P. 495-496, Jeju Island, 2014, 6


H.J.Jeong and M.H.Kim, "Link Prediction by Utilizing Correlations between Link Types and Path Types in Heterogeneous Information Networks", DMBD 2016, Int'l Conf. on Data Mining and Big Data, P. 156-164, Bali, Indonesia, 2016, 6


J.H.Seo and M.H.Kim, "Efficient Clustering of Attributed Multigraphs with Concept Hierarchies",  ICCC2016, Int'l Conf. on Convergence Content, P.39-40, Okinawa, Japan, 2016.12


B.B. Kim, H.J. Jeong and M.H.Kim, "Discovering B-Coupling Relationships in the Bipartite Hypergraph through Link Prediction in the Unimodal Graph", ICCCBDA 2017, IEEE the 2nd Int'l Conf. on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis, P. 288-292, Chengdu, China,  2017, 04


J.H.Seo and M.H.Kim, "pm-SCAN: an I/O Efficient Structural Clustering Algorithm for Large-scale Graphs", CIKM2017, Int'l Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management, P. 2295-2298, Singapore, 2017, 11


K.H.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Computing Betweenness centrality in B-hypergraphs", ", CIKM2017, Int'l Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management, P. 2147-2150, Singapore, 2017, 11


H.J.Jeong, H.R.Park, J.H.Kim and M.H.Kim, "Data Integration Framework for Heterogeneous Databases in Biomedicine", ICCC2017, Int'l Conf. on Convergence Content, P.361-362, Thailand, 2017, 12


T.W.Ha, J.H.Seo and M.H.Kim, "Efficient Searching of Subhypergraph Isomorphism in Hypergraph Databases", 2018 IEEE Int'l Conf. on Big Data and Smart Computing, P.739-742, Shanghai, 2018, 1


G.Y.An, S.E.Yoon, J.Y.Kim, L.Wang, and M.H. Kim, "GraphShop: Graph-based Approach for Shop-type Recommendation", 2021 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM21), P.55-63, Alexandria, USA, (Happening Virtually), 2021, 4


T.W.Ha, J.M.Kang and M.H.Kim, "Real-time Deep Learning-based Anomaly Detection Approach for Multivariate Data Streams with Apache Flink", ICWE 2021, BECS Workshop on Big data driven Edge Cloud Services, P.39-49, Biarritz, France, 2021, 5


S.J.Ahn and M.H.Kim, " Variational Graph Normalized AutoEncoder", CIKM2021, Int'l Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management, P. 2827-2831, Queensland, Australia, 2021, 11


J.M. Kang and M.H.Kim, "Multivariate Time series Anomaly Detection based on reconstructed differences using Graph Attention Networks", ICWE 2022, BECS 2022 Workshop, P., Bari, Italy, 2022, 7


J.S.Kim, S.J.Ahn and M.H.Kim, "Bootstrapped Knowledge Graph Embedding based on Neighbor Expansion", CIKM2022, Int'l Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management, P., Atlanta, USA, 2022, 10, P.4123-4127, doi.acm.orgdoi=3511808.3557555