J.M. Jeon, Y.D. Chung, M.H. Kim, Y.J. Lee, "Filtering Xpath expressions
for XML access control", Computers and Security, Vol. 23, P. 591 - 605,
2004, 10
K.G. Woo, J.H. Lee, M.H. Kim, Y.J. Lee, "FINDIT: a fast and intelligent
subspace clustering algorithm using dimension voting", Information and
Software Technology, Vol. 46, No. 4, P. 255 - 271, 2004, 3
C.S.Park, M.H.Kim and Y.J.lee, "Usability-based Caching of Query Results
in OLAP Systems", Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 68, No. 2, P.
103 - 109, 2003, 11
T.Y. Kwak, Y.J. Lee, "A filtering method for searching similar
multidimensional sequences under the time-warping distance", Information
Systems, Vol. 28, P. 791 - 813, 2003, 10
J.H.Son, S.K.Oh, K.H.Choi, Y.J. Lee and M.H.Kim, "GM-WTA: An Efficient
Workflow Task Allocation Method in a Distributed Execution Environment",
Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 67, No. 3, P. 165 - 179, 2003,
C.S.Park, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Finding an Efficient Rewriting of OLAP
Queries Using Materialized Views in Data Warehouses", Decision Support
Systems, Vol.32, No.4, P.379-399, 2002
J.Y.Lee, Y.D.Chung, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Gray Code Clustering of Wireless
Data for Partial Match Queries", Journal of Systems Architecture, Vol.
47, P. 445-458, 2001
S.K.Woo, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "An Effective Recovery under Fuzzy
Checkpointing in Main Memory Databases", Information and Software
Technology, Vol. 42, P. 185 - 196, 2000
D.W.Kim, E.J.Lee, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "An Efficient Processing of
Range-MIN/MAX Queries over Data Cubes", Information Sciences, Vol. 112,
P. 223 - 237, 1998
Y.W.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Probabilistic Retrieval Incorporating the
Relationships of Descriptors Incrementally", Information Processing and
Management, Vol. 34, No. 4, P. 417 - 430, 1998
D.W.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Fast Evaluation of Complex Rule Conditions
in Active Database", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,
Vol. E81-D, No. 9, P. 997 - 1005, 1998
W.S.Choe, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Concurrency Control for Nested
Transactions in Multidatabase Systems", Journal of Computing and
Information, Vol. 1, No. 2, P. 649 - 668, 1995
J.S.Yoo, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Signature Clustering Algorithms and
Signature-based Hybrid Method for Efficient Information Retrieval",
International Journal of Applied Software Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, P. 37 -
56, 1995
J.H.Lee, W.Y.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "The Effectiveness of Fuzzy
Operators in Information Retrieval", Fuzzy Logic and its Application,
Information Sciences, and Intelligent Systems, P. 397 - 405, 1995
J.H. Lee, M.H. Kim and Y.J. Lee, "Ranking Documents in the Thesaurus-Based
Boolean Retrieval Systems", Information Processing and Management, Vol.
30, No. 1, P. 79 - 91, 1994
J.S. Yoo, J.W. Chang, Y.J. Lee and M.H. Kim, "Performance Evaluation of
Signature Based Access Mechanisms for Efficient Information Retrieval",
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. 76, No. 2, P. 179 -
188, 1993
J.H.Lee, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Information Retrieval Based-on Conceptual
Distance in IS-A Hierarchies", Journal of Documentation, Vol. 49, No.
2, P. 188 - 207, 1993
M.H. Kim, J.H. Lee and Y.J. Lee, "Analysis of Fuzzy Operators for High
Quality Information Retrieval", Information Processing Letters, Vol.
46, No. 5, P. 251 - 256, 1993
S.H.Oh, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Management Discipline of Software Metrics
and the Software Quality Manager", International Journal of Software
Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, P. 449 - 465,
J.H.Lee, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Enhancing the Fuzzy Set Model for High
Quality Document Rankings", Microprocessing and Microprogramming - The
Euromicro Journal, Vol. 35, No. 1-5, P. 337 - 344,
International Conference
Seunglak Choi, Sekyung Huh, Su Myeon Kim, HUnewha Song, Yoon-Joon Lee, "A
Scalable Update Management Mechanism for Query Result Caching Systems at
Database-driven Web sites", APWEB(Asia Pacific Web Conference) 2006,
Serial. 8, Harbin, China, 2006, 1
Seunglak Choi, Hyukjae Jang, Hangkyu Kim, Jungsook Kim, Su Myeon Kim,
Junewha Song, Yoon-Joon Lee, "Maintaing Consistency Under Isolation Relaxation
of Web Services Transactions", WISE(International Conference on Web
Inforamtion Systems Engineering) 2005, New York, USA, pp.245 - 257, 2005,
Seunglak CHoi, Jungsook Kim, Hyukjae Jang, Su Myeon Kim, Junewha Song,
Yoon-Joon Lee, "A Framework for Handling Dependencies among Web Services
Transactions", The 14th International World Wide Web Conference,
(special tracks and posters), Serial. 14, Chiba, Japan, P. 1130 - 1131, 2005,
Byunghee Jung, T. Kwak, Junehwa Song, Yoonjoon Lee, "Narrative Abstraction
Model for Story-oriented Video", ACM Multimedia Conference,, NY, USA,
2004, 10
Seunglak Choi, Jinwon Lee, Su Myeon Kim, Junehwa Song, Yoon-Joon Lee,
"Accelerating Database Processing at e-Commerce Sites", EC-Web
Conference,, Zaragosa, Spain, 2004, 8
C.S.Park, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Rewriting OLAP Queries Using Materialized
Views and Dimension Hierarchies in Data Warehouses", ICDE2001, Int'l Conf.
on Data Engineering, pp.515-523, 2001
Y.D.Chung, J.Y.Lee, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Predicate-based Caching in
Mobile Clients for Continuous Partial Match Queries", Seventh Int'l
Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Hong Kong, pp.
158-159, 2001
J.Y.Lee, Y.D.Chung, Y.J.Lee and M.H.KIm, "Effective Clustering of Wireless
Data for Partial Match Queries", The Fifth Int'l Conference on Computer
Science and Informatics, Serial. 5, Atlantic City, USA, P. 337 - 340,
S.K.Oh, J.H.Son, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Efficient Allocation of Workflow
Tasks to Improve the Performance of Distributed Workflows", The Fifth Int'l
Conference on Computer Science and Informatics, Serial. 5, Atlantic City,
USA, P. 445 - 448, 2000
S.C.Lim, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Restructuring Method for the Concurrent
B+-Tree Based on Semantic Consistency", Sixth Int'l Symposium on Database
Systems for Advanced Applications, Serial. 6, Hsinchu, Taiwan, P. 229 -
236, 1999
S.K.Woo, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "On Effective Recovering in Main Memory
Database", Fourth International Conference on Computer Science &
Informations, Serial. 4, Research Triangle Park, USA, P. 349 - 352,
D.W.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "An Efficient Processing of Join and
Aggregate Expressions", Fourth International Conference on Computer Science
& Informations, Serial. 4, Research Triangle Park, USA, P. 345 - 348,
D.W.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "An Effective Filtering Technique for Fast
Condition Evaluation in Active Databases", 5th Int'l Symposium on Database
Systems for Advanced Applications, Serial. 5, Melbourne, Australia, P. 451
- 459, 1997
C.S.Park, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Replica Control Method for Improving
Availability for Read-Only Transactions", '97 Int'l Database Engineering
and Applications Symposium, Montreal, USA, P. 104 - 112, 1997
S.K.Woo, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Accomodating Logical Logging under Fuzzy
checkpointing in Main Memory Databases", '97 Int'l Database Engineering and
Applications Symposium, Montreal, USA, P. 53 - 62, 1997
W.Y.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Probabilistic Retrieval with Incrementally
Constructed Knowledge", Int'l Symposium on Information Systems and
Technologies for Network Society, Fukuoka, Japan, P. 241 - 248, 1997
T.Y.Kwak, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Per-object based Hybrid Concurrency
Control", '97 DEXA Workshop, Toulouse, France, P. 748 - 753, 1997
D.W.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "The Monitoring of Complex Active Rules with
Vector Representation", Workshop on Databases: Active and Real-time,
Rockville, USA, P. 15 - 19, 1996
J.S.Yoo, B.M.Im, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Performance Evaluation of Dynamic
Signature File Methods", Nineteenth IEEE Computer Software and Applications
Conference, Serial. 19, P. 144 - 149, 1995
S.H.Hong, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Real-Time Multiversion Concurrency Control
Using Procedence Relationships", 4th Int'l Symposium on Database Systems
for Advanced Applications, Serial. 4, Singapore, P. 222 - 229, 1995
J.S.Yoo, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Heuristic Signature Clustering Methods for
Efficient Text Database", Int'l Symposium on Advanced Database Technologies
and Their Integrations, Nara, Japan, P. 79 - 86, 1994
H.I.Choi, B.M.Im, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "An Efficient Parallel join
Algorithm Based on Hypercube Partitioning", Third Int'l Conf. on Parallel
and Distributed Information Systems, Austin, Serial. 3, USA, P. 50 - 57,
J.S.Yoo, Y.J.Lee, J.W.Chang and M.H.Kim, "The HS File: A New Dynamic
Signature File Method for Efficient Information Retrieval", 5th Int'l Conf.
on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Serial. 5, Athene, Greece, P.
571 - 580, 1994
J.W.Chang, J.S.Yoo, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Signature-based Hybrid Access
Scheme for Text Databases", Int'l Symposium on Next Generation Database
Systems and Their Applications, Fukuoka, Japan, P. 138 - 144, 1993
J.S.Yoo, M.H.Kim, Y.J.Lee, S.G.Han and J.W.Chang, "A Dynamic Signature
File Method for Efficient Information Retrieval", Int'l Symposium on Next
Generation Database Systems and Their Applications, Fukuoka, Japan, P. 108
- 115, 1993
J.S.Yoo, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Design and Evaluation of A Hybrid Access
Method Based on Signature Files", InfoScience '93, Seoul, Korea, P. 275
- 281, 1993
S.H.Oh, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Qualitative Behavior Modeling of Information
Processing Components", Third Int'l Symposium on Database Systems for
Advanced Applications, Serial. 3, Taejon, Korea, P. 435 - 441, 1993
J.H.Lee, W.Y.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Enhancing the Fuzzy Set Model with
Positively Compensatory Operators", Third Int'l Symposium on Database
Systems for Advanced Applications, Serial. 3, Taejon, Korea, P. 368 - 375,
D.H.Lee, M.H.Kim, K.H.Lee and Y.J.Lee, "A Fuzzification of Relational Data
Model", Third Int'l Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced
Applications, Serial. 3, Taejon, Korea, P. 360 - 367, 1993
J.H.Lee, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "On the Evaluation of Boolean Operators in
the Extended Boolean Retrieval Frameworks", ACM SIGIR Conference,
Pittsburgh, USA, P. 291 - 297, 1993
J.H.Lee, W.Y.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "The Effect of Positive
Compensation on Retrieval Effectiveness", The 5th International Fuzzy
Systems Association World Congress, Serial. 5, Seoul, Korea, P. 489 - 492,
S.H.Oh, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Management Discipline of Software Quality
Metrices", SCS Silver Jubilee Conference, Singapore, P. 55 - 62,
S.H.Oh, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Design of Information Processing Components
in the Data Management Domain", First Int'l Conf. on Information and
Knowledge Management, Serial. 1, Baltimore, USA, P. 231 - 238, 1992
S.H.Oh, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Qualitative Query Evaluation Scheme of
Information Systems", '92 European Conference on Software Quality.
Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 1992
J.H.Lee, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Knowledge-Based Approach to Rank
Documents for Boolean Queries", The Second Far-East Workshop on Future
Database Systems, Kyoto, Serial. 2, Japan, P. 315 - 322, 1992
S.H.Lee, L.J.Henchen, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Enforcement of Integrity
Constraints against Transactions with Transaction Axioms", '92 COMSAC,
Chicago, Serial. 16, USA, P. 162 - 167, 1992
S.H.Lee, M.H.Kim, Y.J.Lee and M.J.Kim, "A Real-Time DBMS for
Telecommunication Applications", 12th IEEE Real Time System Symposium, The
Current System Development Sessions, San Antonio, Serial. 12, USA, P. 1 -
5, 1991
Domestic Journal
D.H.Cho, J.H.Son, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "An Optimal Resource Configuration
Method Based on the Probability Model for the VBR Video Server",
정보과학회논문지:데이타베이스, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 334-343 , 2001
Y.D.Chung, J.Y.Lee, Y.J. Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Cache Management Scheme for
Effective Processing of Continuous Partial Match Queries in Mobile Computing
Environments", 정보과학회논문지:데이타베이스, Vol. 28, N0. 2, pp. 253-265, 2001
C.S.Park, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Method of Rewriting OLAP Queries Using
Materialized Views and Dimension Hierarchies in Data Warehouses with Star
Schema", 정보과학회논문지:데이타베이스, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 168-180, 2001
W.J.Park, Y.D.Chung, J.N.Kim, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Range-based Cube
Partitioning for Reducing I/O Cost in Cube Computation",
정보과학회논문지:데이타베이스, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 596-605, 2001
J.Y. Lee, Y.D. Chung, M.H. Kim and Y.J. Lee, "A Data Scheduling Method for
Reducing the Access Time of Partial Match Queries in Wireless Data
Broadcasting Environment", 정보과학회논문지:데이타베이스, Vol. 27, No. 3, 2000
H.C.Chung, D.W.Kim, J.S.Kim, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Efficient Processing of
MAX-of-SUM Queries in OLAP", 정보과학회논문지:데이타베이스, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 165 -
174, 2000
J.H.Son, S.K.Oh, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Workflow Task Allocation Method
based on Linear Programming for High Performance Distributed Workflow",
정보과학회논문지:데이타베이스, Vol.27, No.3, pp. 549-557, 2000
D.W.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "An Effective Filtering Technique for Active
Rule Conditions with Vector Representation", Journal of KISS (B), Vol.
25, No. 1, pp. 26 - 36, 1998
J.Y.Cho, C.S.Park, E.K.Kim, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Design and
Implementation of an Electronic Cash Payment System with the Independent
Serial Number Service", Journal of KISS (C), Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 728 - 737,
Y.W.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Improving Retrieval Effectiveness Based on
Incrementally Constructed Knowledge", Journal of KISS (B), Vol. 25, No.
12, pp. 1727 - 1737, 1998
Y.D.Chung, J.S.Kim, J.Y.Lee, S.K.Oh, K.H.Lee, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Job
Scheduling Method using Fuzzy Concepts in Multi-Server Environment",
Journal of the Korea Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems Society, Vol.
7, No. 5, pp. 8 - 13, 1997
S.C.Lim, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A B-Tree Concurrency Control Method using
Cooperative Locking Protocol", Journal of KISS (B), Vol. 24, No. 2, pp.
115 - 126, 1997
S.K.Woo, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Recovery Method based on Shadow updating
and Fuzzy Checkpointing in Main Memory Database", Journal of KISS (B),
Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 266 - 278, 1997
E.K.Kim, D.H.Lee, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Mining Undirectional Quantized
Association Rules in Large Database", Journal of KISS (B), Vol. 24, No.
4, pp. 373 - 385, 1997
Y.D.Chung, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Broadcast Data Organization Scheme for
Mobile Computing", Journal of KISS (B), Vol. 23, No. 12, pp. 1230 - 1240,
D.W.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Incremental Evaluation Method for Complex
Trigger Conditions", Journal of KISS (B), Vol. 23, No. 9, pp. 897 - 906,
S.H. Oh, Y.J. Lee and M.H. Kim, "A formal Structure of Software Components
for Measurement of Database Management Systems", Journal of KISS, Vol.
21, No. 2, pp. 230 - 237, 1994
B.M. Im, H.I. Choi, M.H. Kim and Y.J. Lee, "A Cube-Robust Parallel Join
Algorithm on Hypercube Computers", Journal of KISS, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 528 -
537, 1994
J.S.Yoo, S.K.Han, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "The HS File: A Dynamic Signature
File Method for Efficient Information Retrieval", Journal of KISS, Vol. 21,
No. 6, pp. 994 - 1005, 1994
J.H.Lee, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "An Enhanced Fuzzy Set Model Using
Positively Compensatory Operators", Journal of KISS, Vol. 20, No. 10,
pp. 1417 - 1425, 1993
J.H.Lee, W.Y.Kim, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Fuzzy Operators Analyses to
Improve Retrieval Effectiveness of the Fuzzy Set Model", 정보관리학회지 (Journal
of the Korean Society for Information Management), Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 53
- 63, 1993
S.H.Oh, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Software Metrics Management Scheme in
Software Engineering Environment", Journal of KISS, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 445 -
456, 1992
J.H.Lee, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "The Extended Relavance Algorithm for High
Retrieval Effectiveness", Journal of KISS, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 519 -
528, 1992
Domestic Conference
B.K.Shin, T.Y.Kwak, S.L.Choi, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "An Effective
Clustering Method for High Dimensional Indexes", Proc. KISS, Serial.
25, 대한민국, P. 247 - 249, 1998
S.L.Choi, T.Y.Kwak, B.K.Shin, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Analyses of k-Nearest
Search in High Dimensional Vector Spaces", Proc. KISS, Serial. 25,
대한민국, P. 191 - 193, 1998
W.H.Park, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Efficient Range MaxN/MinM processing in
data cube for OLAP", Proc. KISS, Serial. 23, 대한민국, P. 77 - 80, 1997
W.Y.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Incremental Construction of Knowledge for
Effective Information Retrieval", Korea Science and Technology Information
Workshop, P. 172 - 183, 1997
Y.D.Chung, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Dynamic Distributed Indexing Scheme",
Proc. KISS, Serial. 22, 대한민국, P. 3 - 6, 1996
H.I.Lee, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "An Efficient Access Method for Range Query
on Multi-Disk", Proc. KISS SIGDB Conf., Serial. 12, 대한민국, P. 103 - 108,
E.K.Kim, Y.J.Lee, M.H.Kim and D.H.Lee, "Mining Quantized Association Rules
in Large Databases", Proc. KISS, Serial. 23, 대한민국, P. 155 - 158,
Y.D.Chung, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "An Indexing Scheme for Divergence Caching
in Wireless Information Systems", Proc. KISS, Serial. 22, 대한민국, P. 247
- 250, 1995
E.K.Kim, D.H.Lee, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Incremental Evaluation for Mining
Association Rules in Database", Proc. KISS, Serial. 22, 대한민국, P. 221 -
224, 1995
D.Y.Kim, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "An Index Structure for Nonuniformaly
Distributed Spatial Data", Proc. KISS, Serial. 22, 대한민국, P. 115 - 118,
D.W.Hahm, Y.J.Lee, M.J.Kim and M.H.Kim, "A Methodology for Global Schema
Update in Federated Database", Proc. KISS, Serial. 22, 대한민국, P. 61 -
64, 1995
W.S.Yang, D.H.Lee, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Efficient Condition Evaluation
for Multiple Triggers", Proc. KISS, Serial. 22, 대한민국, P. 31 - 34,
S.K.Woo, S.H.Hong, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Shadow-Based Recovery Method in
Main Memory Database", Proc. KISS, Serial. 22, 대한민국, P. 293 - 296,
H.I.Choi, B.M.Im, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Performance Evaluation of
Communication Cost in Parallel Join Algorithms for Hypercube Multicomputers",
Proc. KISS, Serial. 21, 대한민국, P. 187 - 190, 1994
J.S.Yoo, M.H.Kim, Y.J.Lee, "New Signature Clustering Methods for Efficient
Signature Files", Proc. KISS, Serial. 21, 대한민국, P. 59 - 62, 1994
S.C.Lim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "An Efficient Algorithm for B-tree
Concurrency Control", Proc. SIGDB Conf., Serial. 10, 대한민국, P. 140 -
145, 1994
D.W.Kim, Y.J.Lee, M.H.Kim, "Efficient Evaluation of Trigger Conditions",
Proc. SIGDB Conf., Serial. 10, 대한민국, P. 79 - 85, 1994
B.M.Im, H.D.Yoo, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Design and Implementation of A
Reliable On-Line Transaction Processing Monitor", Proc. KISS, Serial. 20,
대한민국, P. 167 - 170, 1993
H.D.Yoo, S.C.Lim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A High Performance On-Line
Transactions Processing Monitor", UNIX Symposium of Koera '93, 대한민국, P.
147 - 153, 1993
S.H.Hong, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Concurrency Control Mechanism Based on
Locking and Tome-Stamping in Real-Time Database Systems", Proc. KISS,
Serial. 20, 대한민국, P. 7 - 10, 1993
W.Y.Kim, J.H.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Improving the Fuzzy Set Model
through the Analyses of Positively Compensatory Operators", Proc. SIGDB
Conf., Serial. 9, 대한민국, P. 67 - 71, 1993
D.H.Lee, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Hypothesis Refinement Method for
Knowledge Discovery in Databases", Proc. SIGDB Conf., 대한민국, P. 125 -
131, 1993
S.G.Han, J.S.Yoo, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Hierarchical Signature File
Method for Dynamic Environments", Proc. KISS, Serial. 20, 대한민국, P. 199
- 202, 1993
J.S.Yoo, S.K.Han, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Hierarchical Signature File
Access Method for Office Automation Environments", Proc. KISS, Serial.
20, 대한민국, P. 43 - 46, 1993
C.M.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Multikey Indexing Techniques to Support
Complex Objects", Proc. KISS, Serial. 19, 대한민국, P. 43 - 46, 1992
B.S.Youn, J.H.Lee, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "An Extension of the Fuzzy Set
Model Using Term Dependency Information from the Thesaurus", Proc. SIGDB
Conf., Serial. 19, 대한민국, P. 119 - 124, 1992
S.H.Hong, B.M.Im, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Design and Implementation of a
Data Access System with Large Main Memory", Proc. KISS, Serial. 19,
대한민국, P. 27 - 30, 1992
T.H.Im, J.H.Lee, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Document Interchange Based on
ODA/ODIF for Heterogeneous Systems", Proc. Kiss, Serial. 19, 대한민국, P.
69 - 72, 1992
K.Y.Kim, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Skew Robust Parallel Hash Join
Algorithm", Proc. SIGDB Conf., Serial. 8, 대한민국, P. 60 - 67, 1992
J.H.Lee, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "A Document Ranking Method Based on
Conceptual Distance Between Index Terms", Proc. KISS, Serial. 19, 대한민국,
P. 39 - 42, 1992
W.Y.Kim, J.H.Lee, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Enhancing the Fuzzy Set Model for
High Quality Retrieval Effectiveness", Proc. KISS, Serial. 19, 대한민국, P.
47 - 50, 1992
J.H.Lee, J.H.Kim, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Design and Implementation of
Hanguel Editor with 2-Dimensional Gestural Interface", Proc. KISS, Serial.
19, 대한민국, P. 1035 - 1038, 1992
S.H.Oh, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Design of A Collective Evaluation
Environment of Software Metrices", Proc. KISS, 대한민국, P. 607 - 610,
J.H.Lee, B.S.Youn, M.H.Kim and Y.J.Lee, "Ranking Documents in
Thesaurus-Based Boolean Retrieval Systems", Proc. KISS, Serial. 18,
대한민국, P. 31 - 34, 1991
J.S.Yoo, J.W.Chang, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Design and Implementation of
Clustering Algorithm for Efficient Signature File Construction", Proc.
KISS, Serial. 18, 대한민국, P. 11 - 14, 1991
S.H.Oh, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "Reusable Software Components for Database
Management Systems", Proc. The Korea Database Society, 대한민국, P. 169 -
179, 1991
S.H.Hong, Y.J.Lee and M.H.Kim, "A Locking Mechanism for the Configuration
Management", Proc. KISS, Serial. 18, 대한민국, P. 23 - 26,
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